In 1975, the George Eastman House in Rochester, New York held an exhibit titled: New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape. The photographers included in this exhibit were: Robert Adams, Lewis Baltz, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Joe Deal, Frank Gohlke, Nicholas Nixon, John Schott, Stephen Shore, and Henry Wessel Jr. Each photographer had 10 prints in the exhibition.
The show was so influential that a reconstituted version of the show is currently traveling around the world.
Wikipedia has a good write up on the exhibition (as with all things on Wikipedia, don't trust everything you read there).
nice write up about the recently printed
New Topographics book which is a companion to the new exhibit. It includes a number of images from the book.
The Online Photographer also has a review of the book.
NPR article about the exhibit which features a sideshow of images from the exhibit.
Echoes of the New Topographics is a write up about the lasting impact of the work in the show and influence on contemporary photographers.
Frieze magazine article about the exhibit.
American Suburb X interview with Stephen Shore which includes a number of his images. It is very interesting site. Be sure to check it out.
George Eastman's collection of
Lewis Baltz's prints.
Tour schedule for the exhibit.