Sunday, December 12, 2010

What needs to be done for tomorrow

Tomorrow's class will be spent critiquing your series of images that you have been working on all semester. This should consist of at least 10 images (unless you are named Jacob then you can turn in less due to the complexity of your images). I have asked you to put all your work on Flickr to facilitate the critique. Please post them as the largest size image that Flickr will allow. I would also ask you to burn these image to disk. If you have other work you want to turn in, you can burn that to disk as well. For that matter, it would probably be best if you just burned everything to one DVD. I will bring blank DVDs to class for your use.

Here is everything that you should turn in for a grade:
1. 1 HDR image
2. 1 Night Shot
3. 1 Panorama
4. 3 Holga shots
5. 10 shots on the same theme addressing some aspect of the urban landscape. This is what we will be critiquing tomorrow.
6. 1 Impossible Shot - aka the Stack Attack image
7. 1-2 pinhole shots.
8. Three prints of any of the above. (These can be your prints for the exhibits)

Each of these should be really solid images that you feel really good about. They should be edited to the highest standard that you are capable of. Please assess your images critically before asking the class to do so.

In addition, two prints framed and hang ready for the Parkwood show. These images are due tomorrow unless I already spoke to you about this (I know a number of you were waiting on framing, don't sweat it).

If you are working on the FB page, website, or postcard for the show that counts towards extra credit. The Honors show also counts as extra credit. I must have the framed images for the Honors show by the 15th as that is when Diana is going to hand them.

Thanks everyone. I look forward to seeing your work tomorrow.

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